Sermones en vídeo

martes, febrero 22, 2022

La salida a los problemas


Ayer hice el primer directo en mi canal. Siento no habéroslo avisado, pero fue una decisión que tomé sobre la marcha. La verdadera razón era que sentía deseos de entrar en contacto con vosotros: lectores y oyentes. Os aseguro que fue eso.

Haré alguna conexión más. El único modo de que os enteréis es que os suscribáis al canal, incluso si ya lo habéis hecho, ya que a veces Youtube no avisa si uno se suscribió hace tiempo.

Pero hago propósito de que si me voy a conectar, lo avisaré por aquí un rato antes. Los que estáis suscritos a este blog recibiréis una notificación, me imagino. El post lo replicaré por twiter y facebook si estáis suscritos a esas plataformas.

Pienso que esto de los directos puede ser un modo bonito de entrar en contacto de otro modo. Pero seguiré poniendo una charla en mi canal cada semana, como hasta ahora; Dios mediante.


Hoy he dado un largo paseo con un clarinetista. Hemos acabado cenando una hamburguesa y unos sandwiches en un VIPS.


La reunión que, en el Kremlin, ayer, tuvo Putin con sus ministros fue en una sala desproporcionada.

Basta ver esas escenografías (y otra más con sus ministros hace más días) para darse cuenta de que en su psicología se ha producido un cambio. Ya no oculta la propia consideración de su grandeza.

Thomas Mann: “La guerra es la salida cobarde a los problemas de la paz”. 



Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.


God the Father, Creator of the world,

Have mercy on us!


God the Son, through whom all things were made,

Have mercy on us!


God the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, the Beginning and the End,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, Eternal Word of Life,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, living in the womb of the Virgin Mary,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, Lover of the poor and weak,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, Defender of the helpless,

Have mercy on us!


Lord Jesus, Bread of Life,

Have mercy on us!


For every sin against life,

Have mercy on us!


For the sin of abortion,

Have mercy on us!


For the daily killing of innocent babies,

Have mercy on us!


For the bloodshed throughout our land,

Have mercy on us!


For the silent screams of Your children,

Have mercy on us!


For the killing of Your future disciples,

Have mercy on us!


For the exploitation of women by abortion,

Have mercy on us!


For the silence of Your people,

Have mercy on us!


For the apathy of Your people,

Have mercy on us!


For the co-operation of Your people in this tragedy,

Have mercy on us!


For our pre-born brothers and sisters killed by abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For our pre-born brothers and sisters threatened by abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For our brothers and sisters who have survived abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For mothers who have had abortions,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For mothers tempted to have abortions,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For mothers pressured to have abortions,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For mothers who have refused to have abortions,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the fathers of aborted babies,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the families of aborted babies,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the families of those tempted to have abortions

Lord, hear our prayer.


For abortionists,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For all who assist and cooperate in abortions,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For doctors and nurses, that they may nurture life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For government leaders, that they may defend life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the clergy, that they may speak up for life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the pro-life movement,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For those who speak, write, and work to end abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For those who help provide alternatives to abortion…

Lord, hear our prayer.


For those who promote adoption,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For national and local pro-life groups,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For unity in the pro-life movement,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For courage and perseverance in pro-life work,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For those who suffer ridicule and rejection for their stand for life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For those imprisoned for defending life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For those who have been injured and mistreated for defending life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For legal professionals,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For courts and judges,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For police officers,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For educators,

Lord, hear our prayer.


For media professionals,

Lord, hear our prayer.


In thanksgiving for the babies saved from abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


In thanksgiving for the mothers saved and healed from abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


In thanksgiving for the former abortion providers who have become pro-life,

Lord, hear our prayer.


In thanksgiving for all those who take a stand against abortion,

Lord, hear our prayer.


In thanksgiving for the call to be part of the pro-life movement,

Lord, hear our prayer.


Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

spare us, O Lord.


Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

graciously hear us,


O Lord, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us.


Let us pray,


Almighty and ever-living God,

You have created all things through Your Son Jesus Christ.

He trampled the power of death by His Paschal Mystery.

May all who acknowledge You promote the sacredness of life

and always serve You faithfully,

through the same Christ our Lord.

